Monday, May 29, 2006

No Words To Express the Disappointment

In doing extensive research to try and rid an expensive Bernina sewing machine of an absolutely horrid cigarette smell, it was advised that we seal it up placing a cup of ammonia or white vinegar inside the case overnight. We did this... first the ammonia... helped somewhat. Then a few days later we tried the white vinegar.

People. Take this as a bit of caution, warning, or for whatever it is worth. DO NOT EVER use vinegar. What was a nice shiny barely used machine, now is PITTED from all the rust and corrosion.

Lesson certainly learned - but a very costly one at that.

I. am. so. disgusted.


  1. was it maybe the combination of ammonia and vinegar?

    *wiping away a tear over your lost machine*

  2. Oh no!!!! I wondered why it had been pulled from your listings. That's terrible!

  3. oh's so so sad looking...

  4. I really have no idea how I found you but I just wanted to drop by and say thank you, it's made my day to find another 1930's-40's lover... fabric from said era just happen to be one of my absolutely favorite things! I am more of a quilter than a seamstriss.
    You seem like such a kindred spirit, I also love Mary Poppins and Pollyanna...good for you for selling on ebay...I have in the past...vintage linen's mostly...
    do have a lovely day, I agree with you, the word lovely has got to be one of the loveliest words in all the world...

  5. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Okay, I am not sure I know what a sitemeter is but thank you for offering to help me get one and I would really like to get one. :)

    I would highly recommend a English rose by the name of Heritage to you, it's a pale pink beauty with continuous blooms all summer long. I have bought mine in the past at Costco. But most nurseries carry at least one or two varities of English Roses. I have heard that you can even buy them off ebay. Or, is one of my favorite online resources for English Roses...enjoy!

  6. I've heard vodka can take out the smell of cigarette smoke. Actually saw it work on television. Maybe try that? Go to and look under Mythbusters. That's where I saw it and it did work, somewhat anyway. Good luck!

  7. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Thank you so much! I will give it a whirl...:)
