Wednesday, August 09, 2006

SINGER is very much a part...

The SINGER Manufacturing Company is very much a part of our lives... I ordered this crate off of eBay when my friend Tam linked me to it late one evening (for me to use for display - isn't it phenominal!!!) and it JUST arrived from the UPS man.

Singer Crate

You have to know that this photo was not posed entirely. I told the kids to get in the crate (so I could show relative size) and Cowboy leaned over it as if to pose. Then SweetPea had to copy brother, and this is the photo that resulted.

Singer Crate4

Singer Crate3

Singer Crate2


  1. Hello April,

    this is a lovely blog you have here and plainandsimple suggested I come over and see your blog as I had just posted a post about the lovely treadle sewing machines on my blog.

    hope that makes sence! possibly not!! anyway I am going back into your blog to read some of the posts they look great and as I am a vintage (younge girl kinda) and my passion is the 1930s we probably have a bit in common. so hello!

  2. Here is a tutorial about making yo-yos for you:

    (I could do one, but it would probably be 40,000 steps long. I'm not very good at Keepin' It Short...

  3. What dear little children.

  4. ohhhh I love usual...because I love your babies!
