Friday, September 29, 2006

I just can't stop.

Bought more fabric again... this time, flannel. (Karen, it's flannel thats TDF!)

First will be Cowboy's Christmas flannel Pyjamas. (Pajamas or Pyjamas?)
My favorite quilt fabric store didn't have enough yardage of the aqua background print (but, of course, bought what they had anyway), and they barely-by-the-hair-not-on-my-chinny-chin-chin did they have enough of the cream background print. I just SEW love it!!!

The other will be SweetPea's Christmas flannel nightgown.
I couldn't decide what to get for her.... last year we did floral, so I thought this year I'd do something a bit whimsy instead. Still, it was a V E R Y tough decision.


  1. That flannel is some of the sweetest I've seen!

  2. Drooling over the cowboys. Who is the manufacturer?

  3. G.L.H... "Moda!" (Tam *might* be able to get a variation for you!) :)

  4. love it! love it!

  5. Oh, I am so glad to see you. I was beginning to be concerned. Are you over your cold yet.

    Some of my favorite memories is making nightgowns for DD and jammies for DS for Christmas. I ususlly made two (nightgown3 and jammies)of each with a bathrobe to coordinate.... I can close my eyes now and see them in their finery getting ready for bed. Thanks for this walk down memorey lane..........

  6. I love the fabric April! Sooo pretty...thanks for the coffee by the way!

  7. DH and I both admire your choices of fabrics.

  8. cute!! I always make new jammies for my kids still at home (4 now) for Christmas eve. I love the cowboys!!

  9. I LOVE that fabric. I mean it! That is adorable. I may need to find some for my 7 year old. She loves all dogs and we can't have one in our rental so this would be great for her (:
