Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year - 100th Post

Happy 2007 New Year!
... my 100th post ...

This Singer Perpetual Calendar is one of my most favorite gifts. It is complete with all the days, months and numbers. My other highlight gift is the beginnings of my fine china collection... Sweet Pea Chintz by Royal Winton. The pattern is from none other than the 1930s, found in England and Australia (To my English and Australian friends: if you ever find any - LET ME KNOW!) and very rare (expensive), so I will probably just get one piece a year. A teacup and saucer from Hubby had SweetPea give to me for Christmas. Poignant, don't you think? Now all I need is an antique Curio Cabinet... right, honey?

I took these pictures of Cowboy and SweetPea with their new Christmas Jammies... they were being absolutely adorable together that I just had to show & tell their cuteness (so I'm posting all three of these photos).

Cowboy's jammies are (of course) little caricatures of cowboys and indians being the best of friends. SweetPea's jammies are pink poodles with retro turquoise stars. I will feature their jammies in a later post, giving pattern and fabric details.

Aren't they just the cutest kids you ever did see?!!!!


  1. I must look away lest I die of cuteness overload.

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Cuteness times exponential google-ness!

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    p.s. Here is a site to drool over:


  4. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Happy 100th post. your children look beautiful in their PJs. The sweet pea china is just gorgeous isn't it.

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Gorgeous kiddies in gorgeous jammies! Yes, dearie you've got taste. Royal Winto Sweet Pea is absolutley lovely.I collect Shelley and I'll keep a look out for your Sweet Pea!

  6. Oh, in answer to you question, "Almost"

    My kids are the cutest I have ever seen. . .

    ; )

    But yours are VERY cute!

  7. So very cute, and love their jammies! I want a pair just like Sweet Pea's!

  8. Gaaaaaaagh! The cuteness is killing me!

    Also, drooling over the china. Drooling, I tell you!

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Yes, they are the cutest kids I ever did see.

    What a blessing you are to them and they are to you.

    God is good.............

    May He keep His hand on you all during the coming year.

  10. The Children are precious. They make you want to hug them. I love the calendar. I have a tea cup collection too. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I have enjoyed mine.
