Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Trip to Vermont

Built in 1813 and set amidst the National Forest of Vermont, this place was like living in a storybook for the weekend.

(Click image below for a full-screen view - it's worth it!)

I will forever remember the sweet gift my husband gave me by sending me away on a sewing weekend to Blueberry Hill. I truly hope to bring him back with me one day.

(click image above for full-screen view)

This was Karen's and my room - from the front of the inn, it would be the top left two windows.

Here's Karen looking out the two front windows - across the way at the barn where everyone gathered to sew in the upstairs loft.

(click image above for full-screen view)
View from the front door looking at the barn across the way.

Evening Vermont cheeses, crackers and wine, but what I enjoyed most was the endless laughter from Heather's amazing storytelling... seriously, my cheek muscles and stomach hurt from all the laughs. God has certainly blessed her with a gift for finding joy and humor in every circumstance - and then to be able to retell it was captivatingly FUN-NEEEE! OH, and did you know she can pick up a wine glass with her toes? And, her frog prince came right up to her hand while she was sitting in the grass... right. there! From the moment we stepped off the plane in Vermont and all around the country-side, it was easy to see her artwork everywhere - even the sway of the wildflowers along the side of the road looked just like her illustrations.

Liesl is everything I thought she would be. Tender, graceful and ever-lovely with her cheerful smiles. She certainly has the heart of a teacher. I came to the weekend with the expectation of finishing a quilt-top I started for my son a couple of years ago. While I was disheartened about not having quite the right fabrics to complete it, Liesl taught me so much about color, fabric selection and together we drew a pattern so I would have a plan to complete it when I returned home. I do wish she and I would have been able to get away for a quiet walk - I felt there was so much more to talk about aside from sewing and quilting and pattern-speak... I look forward to spending more time with such a dear friend.

(click image above for full-screen view)

While sitting in the adirondack chair eating lunch near the pond, there was a little nest of baby birds being fed by their mama in the tree above. I was probably six feet away so I set my sandwich aside and zoomed in. You can see the little beak of one of them.

In a nearby town called Brandon, we went to a little antique shop that also offered homemade ice cream and retro-styled candies. It wasn't until Karen snapped this picture that we both realized I had gone to town with my old Singer measuring tape wrapped around my neck after a day's worth of sewing.

. . . more Heather Ross story-telling . . .

Heather was so generous with her lovely stashes of Kokka Far Far Away Double Gauze fabric. Any one of us could have had our pick. Karen helped give me the idea to make the slippers from Heather's Weekend Sewing book. I chose a little bit of the orange dandelions with deep aqua rick rack to trim the inside edge - I do believe it was during this process that Karen and I received a ric rac term of endearment. I have a feeling the label is going to stick.

Karen decided to make the Yard Sale skirt, also featured from Heather's book. OH-MY-WORD, it turned out perfect! We all thought Karen should have gone out into the pasture and pretended to be Julie Andrews... but a barn-loft twirl was just as darling.

Left to Right: Me, Liesl, Heather & Karen

Parting is such sweet sorrow.... now that I'm home and checked in with family, I'm ready to go back to Vermont for more sewing... and more laughs.

. . . till next time, Blueberry Hill Inn . . .


  1. Oh April, the trip looks and sounds wonderful. I am glad you girls had such a great time. The pictures are beautiful and the inn looks just lovely. Liesl and Heather very definitely sound like kindred spirits.

  2. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Oh, beautiful! That house is my dream house. I am going to have to go there some day. I am so glad you two had a wonderful time. How could you not, you were doing what you love in such a picturesque setting.


  3. Take me baaaaaaaaaack . . . .

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Oh my, I am so jealous! I was actually reading on Heather's blog and she was talking about the "rick rack sisters" from Idaho that were sewing on their Featherweight. I thought, that sure sounds like April! And sure enough. :) Glad you had so much fun!

  5. Did you ever watch Laugh In? There was a character played by Lily Tomlin named "Edith Ann". She always sat in this HUGE chair - always cracked me up and your pic gave me a good laugh because of it:)

    So glad you both had such a good time. It's always good to be that care free:)

  6. Are those tears on the windscreen in the last pic? What a lovely weekend, I'm terribly jealous ...

  7. Oh wow - I just now found your blog. Great photos - and now I really miss Vermont even more!
    ~ Rebecca
