Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Valentine Goodness

Finished SweetPea's Valentine Holder and her teacher's Valentine Holder (notice the 'To My Teacher' Valentine on the front). Peltex has been resurrected to become part of the land of the living since learning my new trick. Seriously - check out the seams and how non-bulky they are. I could have hugged Liesl at 2:00am this morning from my Peltex delight.

Not one speck of bulk - NOT ONE!

Anyway, kids are off today and they are so happy. SweetPea specifically picked out the "Big Red Rose" fabric. While I was actually hoping she'd lean more towards the vintage Valentine print for hers, I can't blame her for choosing one of my all time favorite fabrics (all on her own, mind you).

Cowboy picked out Lego fabric for his but it could not be heart-shaped. It had to be plain and rectangular, with "no hearty fabric Valentine's inside either". I will photograph his when he brings it back from school as he took it the other day to show his teacher.

I even managed to finish the little fabric Valentine's just as a fun decorative touch.


  1. Wow!!! What a wonderful selection of fabrics and trims. I love how you put the ric rac on the ties and the envelopes are so cute. I love how you put a different fabric on the inside of the envelopes. Very cute! I'm sure the teachers will love what you've made for them. Thanks for emailing me and inviting me to come have a look see. I love what you've done!!

    Kim Walus

  2. Love love love all of the Valentine goodies! Your fabric choices were wonderful too!

  3. Beautiful! I love the big rose fabric! when my daughter was about four years old, she wanted a whole quilt of big roses.

    lovely, lovely work, as always, April.
