Thursday, April 23, 2009

When Vintage & Contemporary Collide

It was about a year ago that a friend alerted me to this super neat new contemporary pattern company that marketed with paper dolls. I was head-over-heels from the first click. That coincidental link led to this, this, this, this and this, oh and this and will probably be a forever bond. Some have often wondered if I get paid to advertise for Oliver + S... not a dime, it's just a pattern company that I really like and enjoy sewing with.

Coincidentally, another friend alerted me to a unique vintage Singer collectible commonly used back in the day for cutting out Paper Dolls. This is what happened when the two genres met. Be sure to click on the images for close-ups!

Oliver + S Paper Doll Cut Out Using Singer Paper Doll Cutter
A Vintage Singer Paper Doll Cutter with Contemporary Paper Dolls

Paper Doll Cutter Blade
This was the first little machine I had which a friend snapped up before I could say "Vintage Singer Paper Doll Cutter For Sale".

Paper Doll Cutter in Action

Oliver + S Paper Doll Cut Out

Alas, I found another one!

Paper Doll Cutting Child's Sewing Machine

From about the 1950's to 1960's this little plastic hand-crank can come alive for pretend play again!

Notice any resemblance to this real sewing machine?

This is a Singer 500 Rocketeer Slant-O-Matic Sewing Machine - an amazing vintage machine that will sew about anything (still quite desirable and sought after today, actually)

Paper Doll Cutting Child's Sewing Machine

This particular toy is available right now on my eBay page to the highest bidder.

Paper Doll Cutting Child's Sewing Machine


  1. Aw April, don't tempt me this way! I still have my antique paper doll collection from when I was a little girl, and this little toy is screaming to me. Ya think I can convince my family that I need this paper doll cutter more than some gas in the car? Heehee! But I am seriously tempted!!

  2. AAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Ok, just dreaming.

  3. You are KIDDING me. I had no idea such a thing existed. Amazing!

  4. I enjoyed readding this
